pypercolate Tutorial ==================== Bond percolation on linear chains and square lattices ----------------------------------------------------- This tutorial demonstrates how to use the *pypercolate* package. As examples, we present bond percolation with spanning cluster detection on a linear chain and a square grid of variable size, respectively. Preamble -------- .. code:: python # configure plotting %config InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.dpi': 300, 'savefig.dpi': 300, \ 'figure.figsize': (10, 5), 'font.size': 12, \ 'figure.facecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0)} %matplotlib inline # import packages import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx import percolate from pprint import pprint # configure plotting colors colors = [ '#0e5a94', '#eb008a', '#37b349', '#f29333', '#00aabb', '#b31e8d', '#f8ca12', '#7a2d00', ] mpl.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = colors Evolution of one sample state (realization) ------------------------------------------- First, we get to know the basic unit of computation in the Newman-Ziff algorithm: a single sample state (realization). The ``sample_states`` generator function evolves a single realization by successively adding bonds, incrementing the occupation number :math:`n` by :math:`1` in each step. Linear chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # Generate linear chain graph with auxiliary nodes for spanning cluster detection chain = percolate.spanning_1d_chain(length=10) .. code:: python # Evolve sample state and plot it at the same time edges = list() fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.0, 2.0), ncols=5, nrows=2, squeeze=True) axes = axes.ravel() for i, sample_state in enumerate(percolate.sample_states(chain)): if 'edge' in sample_state: edge = sample_state['edge'] edges.append(edge) nx.draw( chain, ax=axes[i], edgelist=edges, width=4, pos={node: (node, 0) for node in chain.nodes_iter()}, node_size=10, ) axes[i].set_title('n = {}'.format(i)) pprint(sample_state) plt.tight_layout(0) .. parsed-literal:: {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 1, 'moments': array([ 9., 9., 9., 9., 9.]), 'n': 0} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (6, 7), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 2, 'moments': array([ 8., 8., 8., 8., 8.]), 'n': 1} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (3, 4), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 2, 'moments': array([ 7., 8., 10., 14., 22.]), 'n': 2} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (7, 8), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 3, 'moments': array([ 6., 7., 9., 13., 21.]), 'n': 3} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (5, 6), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 4, 'moments': array([ 5., 6., 8., 12., 20.]), 'n': 4} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (9, 10), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 4, 'moments': array([ 4., 6., 10., 18., 34.]), 'n': 5} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (8, 9), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 6, 'moments': array([ 3., 4., 6., 10., 18.]), 'n': 6} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (1, 2), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 6, 'moments': array([ 2., 4., 8., 16., 32.]), 'n': 7} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (2, 3), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 6, 'moments': array([ 1., 4., 16., 64., 256.]), 'n': 8} {'M': 9, 'N': 10, 'edge': (4, 5), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 10, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 9} .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_9_1.png **Figure**: Evolution of a single realization of bond percolation on the linear chain with 10 nodes. The terminal nodes are the auxiliary nodes for spanning cluster detection. Square grid ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # Generate square grid graph with auxiliary nodes for spanning cluster detection grid = percolate.spanning_2d_grid(3) .. code:: python # Evolve sample state and plot it at the same time edges = list() fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.0, 4.0), ncols=4, nrows=3, squeeze=True) axes = axes.ravel() for i, sample_state in enumerate(percolate.sample_states(grid)): if 'edge' in sample_state: edge = sample_state['edge'] edges.append(edge) nx.draw( grid, ax=axes[i - 1], edgelist=edges, width=4, pos={node: node for node in grid.nodes_iter()}, node_size=100, ) axes[i - 1].set_title('n = {}'.format(i)) pprint(sample_state) plt.tight_layout(0) .. parsed-literal:: {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 1, 'moments': array([ 8., 8., 8., 8., 8.]), 'n': 0} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((2, 0), (3, 0)), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 2, 'moments': array([ 7., 7., 7., 7., 7.]), 'n': 1} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((1, 2), (1, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 2, 'moments': array([ 6., 7., 9., 13., 21.]), 'n': 2} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((3, 2), (3, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': False, 'max_cluster_size': 2, 'moments': array([ 5., 7., 11., 19., 35.]), 'n': 3} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((2, 0), (1, 0)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 3, 'moments': array([ 4., 6., 10., 18., 34.]), 'n': 4} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((1, 2), (2, 2)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 3, 'moments': array([ 3., 6., 14., 36., 98.]), 'n': 5} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((3, 0), (3, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 5, 'moments': array([ 2., 4., 10., 28., 82.]), 'n': 6} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((2, 2), (2, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 5, 'moments': array([ 1., 4., 16., 64., 256.]), 'n': 7} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((3, 2), (2, 2)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 9, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 8} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((3, 1), (2, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 9, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 9} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((1, 1), (2, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 9, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 10} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((2, 0), (2, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 9, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 11} {'M': 12, 'N': 9, 'edge': ((1, 0), (1, 1)), 'has_spanning_cluster': True, 'max_cluster_size': 9, 'moments': array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'n': 12} .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_13_1.png **Figure**: Evolution of a single realization of bond percolation on the 3x3 square grid. The left-hand and right-hand outermost nodes are the auxiliary nodes for spanning cluster detection. Single run statistics --------------------- Now, we want to compare cluster statistics for several sample states (realizations) evolved in parallel. We also want to compare these statistics for several system sizes :math:`L`. .. code:: python # number of parallel runs (sample states to evolve) runs = 4 Linear chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # system sizes chain_ls = [10, 100, 1000, 10000] .. code:: python # generate the linear chain graphs with spanning cluster detection # for all system sizes chain_graphs = [ percolate.spanning_1d_chain(l) for l in chain_ls ] .. code:: python # compute the single-run cluster statistics for all sample states # and system sizes chain_single_runs = [ [ percolate.single_run_arrays(graph=chain_graph) for _ in range(runs) ] for chain_graph in chain_graphs ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(chain_ls), ncols=5, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 6.0) ) for l_index, l in enumerate(chain_ls): for single_run in chain_single_runs[l_index]: axes[l_index, 0].plot( single_run['has_spanning_cluster'], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) axes[l_index, 1].plot( single_run['max_cluster_size'], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) for k in range(3): axes[l_index, k + 2].plot( single_run['moments'][k], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) axes[l_index, 0].set_ylabel(r'L={}'.format(l)) for ax in axes[l_index, :]: num_edges = chain_single_runs[l_index][0]['M'] ax.set_xlim(xmax=1.05 * num_edges) ax.set_xticks([0, l / 2, l - 1]) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[l_index, 0].set_yticks([0, 1]) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'spanning?') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'largest cluster') for k in range(3): axes[0, k + 2].set_title(r'$M_{}$'.format(k)) for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$n$') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_22_0.png **Figure**: Cluster statistics for single realizations of bond percolation on the linear chain with :math:`L` nodes, evolved according to the Newman-Ziff algorithm over all occupation numbers :math:`n = 0 \ldots L - 1`. .. code:: python # clear memory del chain_single_runs Square grid ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # system sizes grid_ls = [3, 10, 32, 100, 316] .. code:: python # generate the square grid graphs with spanning cluster detection # for all system sizes grid_graphs = [ percolate.spanning_2d_grid(l) for l in grid_ls ] .. code:: python # compute the single-run cluster statistics for all sample states # and system sizes grid_single_runs = [ [ percolate.single_run_arrays(graph=grid_graph) for _ in range(runs) ] for grid_graph in grid_graphs ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(grid_ls), ncols=5, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 6.0) ) for l_index, l in enumerate(grid_ls): for single_run in grid_single_runs[l_index]: axes[l_index, 0].plot( single_run['has_spanning_cluster'], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) axes[l_index, 1].plot( single_run['max_cluster_size'], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) for k in range(3): axes[l_index, k + 2].plot( single_run['moments'][k], lw=4, alpha=0.7, rasterized=True ) axes[l_index, 0].set_ylabel(r'L={}'.format(l)) for ax in axes[l_index, :]: num_edges = grid_single_runs[l_index][0]['M'] ax.set_xlim(xmax=num_edges) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, num_edges, num=3)) ax.set_xticklabels(['0', '', num_edges]) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[l_index, 0].set_yticks([0, 1]) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'spanning?') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'largest cluster') for k in range(3): axes[0, k + 2].set_title(r'$M_{}$'.format(k)) for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$n$') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_29_0.png **Figure**: Cluster statistics for single realizations of bond percolation on the :math:`L \times L` square grid, evolved according to the Newman-Ziff algorithm over all occupation numbers :math:`n = 0 \ldots 2 L (L - 1)`. .. code:: python # clear memory del grid_single_runs Microcanonical ensemble averages -------------------------------- Next we explore how *pypercolate* enables us to aggregate cluster statistics across a number of runs (realizations), evolved over all occupation numbers. For each occupation number, this yields the microcanonical average. Linear chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # number of runs chain_runs = 40 # system sizes chain_ls = [10, 100, 1000, 10000] .. code:: python # generate the linear chain graphs with spanning cluster detection # for all system sizes chain_graphs = [ percolate.spanning_1d_chain(l) for l in chain_ls ] .. code:: python # compute the microcanonical averages for all system sizes chain_microcanonical_averages = [ percolate.microcanonical_averages( graph=chain_graph, runs=chain_runs ) for chain_graph in chain_graphs ] # combine microcanonical averages into one array chain_microcanonical_averages_arrays = [ percolate.microcanonical_averages_arrays(avg) for avg in chain_microcanonical_averages ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(chain_ls), ncols=3, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 6.0) ) for l_index, l in enumerate(chain_ls): avg_arrays = chain_microcanonical_averages_arrays[l_index] line, = axes[l_index, 0].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['spanning_cluster'], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 0].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[1], avg_arrays['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) line, = axes[l_index, 1].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['max_cluster_size'], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 1].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[1], avg_arrays['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 2].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['moments'][2], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 2].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['moments_ci'][2].T[1], avg_arrays['moments_ci'][2].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 0].set_ylabel(r'L={}'.format(l)) axes[l_index, 1].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[l_index, 2].set_ylim(ymin=0.0) for ax in axes[l_index, :]: num_edges = avg_arrays['M'] ax.set_xlim(xmax=1.05 * num_edges) ax.set_xticks([0, l / 2, num_edges]) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'percolation probability') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'percolation strength') axes[0, 2].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$n$') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_38_0.png **Figure**: Microcanonical averages of cluster statistics of bond percolation on the linear chain with :math:`L` nodes, over :math:`40` runs. The samples of the microcanonical ensembles have been evolved by the Newman-Ziff algorithm over all occupation numbers :math:`n = 0 \ldots L - 1`. Square grid ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # number of runs grid_runs = 40 # system sizes grid_ls = [3, 10, 32, 100, 316] .. code:: python # generate the square grid graphs with spanning cluster detection # for all system sizes grid_graphs = [ percolate.spanning_2d_grid(l) for l in grid_ls ] .. code:: python # compute the microcanonical averages for all system sizes grid_microcanonical_averages = [ percolate.microcanonical_averages( graph=grid_graph, runs=grid_runs ) for grid_graph in grid_graphs ] # combine microcanonical averages into one array grid_microcanonical_averages_arrays = [ percolate.microcanonical_averages_arrays(avg) for avg in grid_microcanonical_averages ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(grid_ls), ncols=3, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 6.0) ) for l_index, l in enumerate(grid_ls): avg_arrays = grid_microcanonical_averages_arrays[l_index] line, = axes[l_index, 0].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['spanning_cluster'], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 0].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[1], avg_arrays['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) line, = axes[l_index, 1].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['max_cluster_size'], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 1].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[1], avg_arrays['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 2].plot( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['moments'][2], rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 2].fill_between( np.arange(avg_arrays['M'] + 1), avg_arrays['moments_ci'][2].T[1], avg_arrays['moments_ci'][2].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[l_index, 0].set_ylabel(r'L={}'.format(l)) axes[l_index, 1].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[l_index, 2].set_ylim(ymin=0.0) for ax in axes[l_index, :]: num_edges = avg_arrays['M'] ax.set_xlim(xmax=num_edges) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, num_edges, num=3)) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'percolation probability') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'percolation strength') axes[0, 2].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$n$') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_44_0.png **Figure**: Microcanonical averages of cluster statistics of bond percolation on the :math:`L \times L` square grid, over :math:`40` runs. The samples of the microcanonical ensembles have been evolved by the Newman-Ziff algorithm over all occupation numbers :math:`n = 0 \ldots 2 L (L - 1)`. Canonical ensemble averages --------------------------- Having computed the microcanonical averages for all occupation numbers :math:`n`, the last step is to transform them to canonical averages for the desired values of the occupation probability :math:`p`. Linear chain ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # occupation probabilities chain_ps_arrays = [ np.linspace(1.0 - x, 1.0, num=100) for x in [1.0, 0.1, 0.01] ] .. code:: python # compute canonical averages from microcanonical averages # for all occupation probabilities and system sizes chain_stats = [ [ percolate.canonical_averages(ps, avg_arrays) for avg_arrays in chain_microcanonical_averages_arrays ] for ps in chain_ps_arrays ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(chain_ps_arrays), ncols=4, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 4.5) ) for ps_index, ps in enumerate(chain_ps_arrays): for l_index, l in enumerate(chain_ls): my_stats = chain_stats[ps_index][l_index] line, = axes[ps_index, 0].plot( ps, my_stats['spanning_cluster'], rasterized=True, label=r'{}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 0].fill_between( ps, my_stats['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[1], my_stats['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) line, = axes[ps_index, 1].plot( ps, my_stats['max_cluster_size'], rasterized=True, label=r'L={}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 1].fill_between( ps, my_stats['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[1], my_stats['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 2].plot( ps, my_stats['moments'][2], rasterized=True, label=r'L={}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 2].fill_between( ps, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1], my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 3].semilogy( ps, my_stats['moments'][2], rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 3].fill_between( ps, np.where( my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1] > 0.0, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1], 0.01 ), np.where( my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0] > 0.0, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0], 0.01 ), facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 0].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[ps_index, 1].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[ps_index, 2].set_ylim(ymin=0.0) axes[ps_index, 3].set_ylim(ymin=0.5) for ax in axes[ps_index, :]: ax.set_xlim(xmin=ps.min(), xmax=ps.max() + (ps.max() - ps.min()) * 0.05) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(ps.min(), ps.max(), num=3)) for ax in axes[ps_index, :-1]: ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'perc. probability') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'perc. strength') axes[0, 2].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') axes[0, 3].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$p$') axes[0, 2].legend(frameon=False, loc='center left') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_51_0.png **Figure**: Canonical averages of cluster statistics of bond percolation on the linear chain with :math:`L` nodes, over :math:`40` runs. Square grid ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: python # occupation probabilities grid_ps_arrays = [ np.linspace(0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, num=100) for x in [0.5, 0.05] ] .. code:: python # compute canonical averages from microcanonical averages # for all occupation probabilities and system sizes grid_stats = [ [ percolate.canonical_averages(ps, avg_arrays) for avg_arrays in grid_microcanonical_averages_arrays ] for ps in grid_ps_arrays ] .. code:: python # plot fig, axes = plt.subplots( nrows=len(grid_ps_arrays), ncols=4, squeeze=True, figsize=(8.0, 4.5) ) for ps_index, ps in enumerate(grid_ps_arrays): for l_index, l in enumerate(grid_ls): my_stats = grid_stats[ps_index][l_index] line, = axes[ps_index, 0].plot( ps, my_stats['spanning_cluster'], rasterized=True, label=r'L={}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 0].fill_between( ps, my_stats['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[1], my_stats['spanning_cluster_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) line, = axes[ps_index, 1].plot( ps, my_stats['max_cluster_size'], rasterized=True, label=r'L={}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 1].fill_between( ps, my_stats['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[1], my_stats['max_cluster_size_ci'].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 2].plot( ps, my_stats['moments'][2], rasterized=True, label=r'L={}'.format(l), ) axes[ps_index, 2].fill_between( ps, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1], my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0], facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 3].semilogy( ps, my_stats['moments'][2], rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 3].fill_between( ps, np.where( my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1] > 0.0, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[1], 0.01 ), np.where( my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0] > 0.0, my_stats['moments_ci'][2].T[0], 0.01 ), facecolor=line.get_color(), alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ) axes[ps_index, 0].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[ps_index, 1].set_ylim(ymax=1.0) axes[ps_index, 2].set_ylim(ymin=0.0) axes[ps_index, 3].set_ylim(ymin=0.5) for ax in axes[ps_index, :]: ax.set_xlim(xmin=ps.min(), xmax=ps.max()) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(ps.min(), ps.max(), num=3)) for ax in axes[ps_index, :-1]: ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, ax.get_ylim()[1], num=3)) axes[0, 0].set_title(r'perc. probability') axes[0, 1].set_title(r'perc. strength') axes[0, 2].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') axes[0, 3].set_title(r'$\langle M_2 \rangle$') for ax in axes[-1, :]: ax.set_xlabel(r'$p$') axes[0, 2].legend(frameon=False, loc='best') plt.tight_layout(0) .. image:: tutorial-bond-square-lattice_files/tutorial-bond-square-lattice_56_0.png **Figure**: Canonical averages of cluster statistics of bond percolation on the :math:`L \times L` square grid, over :math:`40` runs.